Saturday, January 31, 2009

More Winter Pictures

I went out shooting yesterday and took my mentor student. I pretty much just drove around the area that was drivable...nothing too dangerous....we had fun and got some pictures. Here are some more stitches that I did. 

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

The White Death has and evil cousin....Ice...

Well...if you live in my general area, or any of the Northeast for that matter, you more than likely don't have power and are up to your ankles in ice. 

For the past 3 days I've been living with some friends on campus loving the fact that Ohio University still has power...unlike the rest of the outside world...The Athens campus did close on Wednesday, however, which has me prepping myself for the end of the world...I think it's been about 8 years since OU actually shut down...maybe longer!

I went out on Wednesday and took a few images and I am also planning to go out tomorrow. Here is a sample of what I've been working on...nothing too special, but something neat to see.


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Sunday, January 25, 2009


Forgive me everyone for not posting anything sooner. School has taken up all of my time and the quarter just started. 

I haven't been getting to do much shooting lately but Leah Grace's birthday was the other day so I decided to dust off the Nikon. Just like any other birthday party there was the Chickens....ummmmmmm.....(sigh). 

The weather gets good for one day and then is awful the next. I really don't care too much for winter but it would be nice to have one good snow, just to get some pictures...then it can melt and Spring can come. 

Well...with the winter cold comes the inevitable WEDDING SHOWS!!!....I jsut went to my first one this morning and will be attending several more. It's really nice when they place you next to a food caterer and a cake maker...good times!

I hope to be posting more...and I do say that a lot...but someday...when I get a will come true...

Until then!

OH....and our favorite celebrity Kelly Dishong WAS spotted this weekend and well and as usual was not playing nice for the paparazzi!!! 

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