Scotland The Brave
Hey Everyone,
Sorry that I haven’t written since I left Scotland, but I am now home…sadly. I had the time of my life in Scotland and sometimes I wish I never left. I’ve never been to a place where I’ve fit in so well. Everything about the country was wonderful and I cannot wait to return.
The trip home was fairly an easy one…I spent the last day in Glasgow with Steven and we went to see the Dark Knight…well…everything but the end. Our train was on it’s way and we had to leave before the end of the movie. I’m just going to assume that everything ended happily ever after!!!
I would like to thank Steven and his family in Aberdeen for letting me stay while I was in the area. It was really nice to get to learn how to actually live in Scotland, from true Scots. They have also got me addicted to putting milk and sugar in my tea!!!
Coming back was hard…the time change especially. About every other morning I will wake up at about 4:30am!!!...this is really getting to me!!! Everything in the US seems much bigger now as well…I was in Wal-Mart the other day and about had a panic attack!!!...LOL…I’ve also noticed that I can’t find any good pre-made pasta like I could in Scotland…if anybody knows where I can get some good tortellini please let me know!
Well…I’ll be starting school back in a few weeks and my schedule looks pretty full until then. This quarter looks to be a busy one as well. I’ll be working on a few projects and keeping you updated as they become finished.