Alex Snyder
The official blog for Ohio photographer Alex Snyder. This blog covers everything from Alex's life to topics on photography and the outdoors. Questions and Comments are welcome!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Life: The Final Frontier....
Wow…What have I been up to lately! 9 weeks of this quarter have flown by and I can say I don’t miss it much!
I was ambitious….I was determined….I was STUPID….I took way too many credit hours this quarter and sleep and free time have become an illusion. I enjoy my classes for the most part, however, there is just sooo much to do and when I get caught up I feel further behind.
During this quarter (while feeling ambitious and brave) I signed up for a Scuba Class….well…I now refer to it as my weekly brush with death. The beginning of the quarter was awful and I seriously almost drowned several times…I also thought about drowning myself a few times…LOL…It has been easing up, though, and I’m well on my way to being certified–I can say that I enjoy it now! Hopefully this will jumpstart some underwater photography.
And for the record….I heard that the groundhog in Pennsylvania saw it’s shadow….I love animals and all….but KILL IT!!!
I have been working really hard on new marketing efforts and with the help of (My Uncle and NEW Aunt) have been making some new updates for my website….expect this SOON!....I’m really excited about all of this and can’t wait to share more!
Into the depths of this 10-week quarter there was a glimmer of light that shined through all of the paperwork and snow….and snow….and more snow…. I had received a notice that I was a finalist for Photographer’s Forum Magazine’s annual contest. Out of 14,000 entries I was in the top running….First through Fourth place would be named Nikon Top Emerging Photographers…I was happy to be chosen out of such a large number…but I was thrilled when I found out I PLACED 4th!!!! (And yes…I did scream a little…but who wouldn’t) The image that placed is above (top). This was a much-needed moral booster and I couldn’t have been happier. And it’s Nikon which all of you know is my weapon of choice…so wooot!
I also have posted some images that are more recent. One is of glass artist Marco Jerman. I was asked by Ohio Magazine to photograph her for this months issue. She was an awesome person to meet and I had a blast photographing her while she worked. More and more lately I’ve been getting more assignments…this year is off to a great start so now all I have to do is….yes….GRADUATE.
The time is nearing. Just one more quarter…..just 20 more credits….just a few more breakdowns and I’m there! I can’t deny that I’m excited but there is a little anxiety involved….what to do from here?....where to go?...what jobs to look for?...The real world has officially caught up to me and it’s frightening. So I guess all I have to say from here is “Bring it on!”
Labels: alex snyder, artist, Camera, graduate, Nikon, Ohio, photography, top
Sunday, November 22, 2009
1 Quarter Down....2 to go!!!

It has been forever since I last wrote. This time, I have a pretty good excuse, though! This is my senior year of college and I just finished my final photography course…the hardest one to date.
During the course we had to think of…and execute 4 projects. The first was a test run….but the other 3 were hard. Audio and pictures had to be created….edited…then morphed into a print layout and a multimedia piece. Below are links to the multimedia pieces….let me know what you think!
Rhapsody Restaurant
Hocking Hills Canopy Tours
All of this is kind of sad though….Undergraduate College is ending….4 years has flown by….I feel older….and I just turned 22….so there is confirmation of my older-ness….and WHAT’S NEXT!???
I’m definitely considering Graduate School and leaning toward Bio-Science. I think a quarter or two off will do me some good though…I need time to breath a little. This year has just started and I feel done already.
On a lighter note…next quarter I will be in Scuba diving course! I will more than likely drown but for Christmas I’m asking for some scuba-oriented items. After the course is over I will become certified and hopefully I can start doing some underwater photography.
My sister Allison has also celebrated a birthday as well. She is now 11 and almost as tall as me. She shares a birthday with our Grandpa Steve as well–I share one with my cousin Alison. November is always a busy month…The pictures above are from her party.
Christmas is already looking hectic…and I guess Thanksgiving is coming first…I really dread the Holidays…mainly from all of the traveling I have to do. Within the month of December I can put about 1,000 miles or more on my car!!!
Just recently I’ve placed in a photo contest sponsored by OhioToday. After looking through my submission they also want to publish 5 other images! This came as a surprise to me…I have been too busy to think about the submission and when I got a phone call yesterday about it….I was rather amused.
I’ve got a few other things in the works as well…but with time I can give you some more information and updates!
Happy Holidays!
Labels: Allison, birthday, Fall, hocking hills canopy tours, Leah Grace, Ohio, Ohio University, party, pictures, restaurant, Rhapsody, School, tim williams, ziplining
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Little Miss Leah
I was informed the other day that my littlest sister Leah Grace wanted to run for the "Little Miss Parade of the Hills."
Labels: funny, Leah Grace, little miss, parade of the hills
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Goood Morning Colorado
Right now I’m looking at the San Juan Mountains and loving every minute of it!!!
I know this trip seems a little abrupt but my friend Tim is beginning a new project to build a greenhouse on their property….but not just any greenhouse…this one is a dome!
To make things even more interesting….the only place that makes these is in Pagosa Springs Colorado…which is where we are now.
We left on Monday and then spent Monday evening at a friend to their family. This just wasn’t any regular friend though–he was a Kansas state senator Les Donovan. Their home was beautiful and they were very nice and accommodating and we can’t thank them enough.
Below are some pictures from the trip. We’ve done a lot of driving and I’ve shot most of them through the window. Tim and I, however, got to drive around Pagosa Springs a bit and caught the sunset and got to see a waterfall. If all goes to plan, I believe we will be in Colorado Springs by this evening. I’ll try to keep everyone updated as much as possible.
Labels: alex snyder, Colorado, Greenhouse Project, San Juan, trip
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Some Soul
This blog post is way past due, but I have to say the end of the quarter has kept me really busy…I know I know…I always use this excuse! But at least I can give you a glimpse of what I’ve been working on.
On June 1st the School of Visual Communication will be launching the latest edition of our Soul of Athens Multimedia website. Since we have been winning so many national awards, they have set aside a class for the students to take. I, along with everyone else has been working really hard to make this year our best yet. Check out the trailer below and please send it to everyone you know!...We want this to be HUGE!!!
I’ve also been busy snapping away for not only my project but for some family events as well…every little kid in the family has had a birthday…Justin and Cooper are now 3…except Cooper insists that he is 5.
The quarter is ending though and I’m going to have a busy summer. I’ll be working for Wayne National Forest doing some photography for their PR department and then I will continue my job with Barb and Jerry at the studio ( I have to say that I kind of miss the schedule of a work week…it’s beating what I’ve been putting myself through lately.
I really hope I can keep updating this more often, but it seems to be the first thing to go when I get busy. But keep checking in!
Labels: alex snyder, Allison, cooper, Hocking Hills, justin, lake logan, landscape, Leah Grace, Soul of Athens
Monday, April 6, 2009
Shocking Start to a New Quarter!

Well what can I say…I’ve been busy and I know some people in Seattle are needing a blog update.
Well the new school quarter has started with both great and bad weather…I think we’re expecting snow tonight…and we had a 70-degree day yesterday.
Spring break was great…I got to kayak and just relax for a few days…which was much needed.
The new quarter is shaping up pretty good. I have a full class-load but all of my courses are interesting.
I also am now a SENIOR!!! I just found out the other day that I have credit hours that qualify me to be one. Hopefully I’m almost done with my undergraduate work….but then I’ll have graduate school…what I’ll eventually become is undecided.
Some more good news is that last night we had an awesome lightning show! I was driving back from Kroger in Athens when I noticed the storm moving in. After some contemplation, I decided to go out shooting….the picture I got is above!!!
Until Next Time!
Labels: alex snyder, Athens, blog, Camera, city, courthouse, electricity, lightning, long exposure, nature, night, Nikon, Ohio, Ohio University, photography, storm, weather, wide angle
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Yesterday was a normal Saturday....and you know what that means! YEP!...a wedding!
Labels: alex snyder, dying from sickness, feeling better, Wedding, weeking
Thursday, February 26, 2009
If I see a light...I'm running towards it!!!

It has been a few weeks since I’ve last wrote. But this time I have a good excuse!!!
I have been on death’s door it seems battling a severe sinus infection. And oh what a time it has been!
Last week…after going through about 5 days of headaches I decided to go to the doctor…which is something I rarely do. I’m more the type of person who just likes to live through the pain rather than take medication for it.
Well…I had had enough! My head hurt and I had two tests the following Friday.
I went into the doctor and got to sit in the lobby with many others who were all hacking up what was left of their lives…(all over me). The wait wasn’t too long and I soon was waiting for my doctor to come check me out….and waiting…..and waiting…..(texting)…..waiting!......(Holy Crap! many people die here while waiting)
The doctor walked in and to my joy was followed by a student doctor. So now I was being doubly examined and asked stupid questions. And I’m not one to tell a person how to do their job and I’m not a doctor at all….but I do know what is wrong with me and have a good idea of how to fix it!...well….that didn’t matter!
The doctor swabbed my throat and told me that my symptoms matched the “thing” that was going around. NOW…what I had been reading in the papers for the past week was how an outbreak of Bacterial Meningitis has occurred on the Ohio University campus! And throughout the week I had been given sadistic pep talks from my mother…who was once inflicted with Bacterial Meningitis….(all I got from these talks was…spinal taps….needles….paralyses….worst pain ever!)
I flipped out…but had no one to flip out on….the doctor and the bumbly student had left…I was alone…..(more texting)
After about 10 minutes I was getting rather annoyed. But soon enough a nurse came in and handed me a piece of paper and said …”Here are your prescriptions.”
I was like…”WAIT….what is it?” ….she paused and told me what the prescriptions were…to which I interrupted and said…”NO!...What the Hell do I have?!!!”….I was rather upset…and fearing that I had Bacterial Meningitis….and then to have someone just arbitrarily hand me a piece of paper with medications written on it was the final straw.
I was eventually told and given my meds. So I left and went on with my merry life….or so I thought!
The weekend came and my ear was still hurting from all of the infectious disease that riddled my body. I pretty much knew that I had an ear infection as well…and the first round of meds should have taken care of it….WELL….THEY DIDN’T!!!
On Sunday I had a wedding show to attend and I was planning on stopping by and leaving. That was better said than done. The show had a few hundred people and our booth was especially busy,…so I had to stay…and wobble…..OH YES….WOBBLE….
Due to the ear infection….I have lost all of my balance…I know look like a drunk leaving a party and the other meds make me drowsy and slightly hallucinogenic….so I pray to God that I won’t get pulled over any time soon!
On Monday I thought death was imminent…I could barely move….so I went back to the doctors….more waiting….more sitting…..(more texting)
I now am sitting in class…after missing much of it….and am on my second round of antibiotics. They have now given me ear drops which help slightly, but I still have no balance at all. In fact…I just got done riding an escalator by myself and I thought I was going to die while on it…
Hopefully I will get to feeling better…but for now… wish me luck!!!
Monday, February 9, 2009

I was scanning some slides this evening and came across these two. It took some time to clean them up...dirt and all....but here are some pics of the girls before they became terrors!
Labels: Allison, Leah Grace, Ohio, old school, scan, vintage, young