I'm Done!

Thursday at 2:30p would see me taking my last final for Spring Quarter. I had barely slept all week studying for the stupid thing, and I now have ruled out History as being my minor.
I'll be going back into work with Barb and Jerry this coming week and I'm both excited and stressed because I'm running out of time before my Scotland trip. My camera is in being repaired and haven't even thought about what I need to pack...now I just have to find time to think about what to think about!!!
Yesterday, while I was in my room, apparently a a car hit my friend Valerie's car...she wasn't in it...and it was parked outside. The guy who hit the parked car was drunk, which proved to be a funny sight to watch. The passenger was "hurt" but by the grace of a much greater power....she managed to smoke her cigarette! It was my first day of being out of the Photojournalism school and below and behold....spot news just drives ups and wrecks at your front doorstep!
My condolences to Valerie...it sucks...I know!
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